The Penn State Alumni Association

What’s been happening:

I am retired from teaching Language Arts in the Harrisburg School District. When I entered Penn State's Capital Campus for the final two years of my undergraduate education, I was "married with children" and apprehensive about being an older student. It didn't take long for me to discover I was not alone in either category. There actually was a support group for older students that met in the Lion's Den, and it was a pleasure just sitting with them and not feeling so alone. The years I spent and the people I met at Penn State are now, and will always be, some of my fondest memories. I especially remember two classmates, Harry and Evelyn, who nicknamed me "cope" because of the "copious notes" I took. We had a lot of laughs together. Along with Dr. Theodore (Teddy) Graham, a genuinely compassionate and supportive advisor, I enjoyed every minute spent on campus.